Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire - IOS

We found a witch! May we burn her?
Package Image Package Name Value Point Education
8000 Gold 50$ 45 point Order
26000 Gold 100$ 90 point Order

  • Description Game

Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire is a mobile game developed based on Square Enix's famous Final Fantasy series, although there are characters from version XV, the gameplay of this game is completely different. compared to the console game version.

It can be said that Final Fantasy XV is one of the famous JRPG masterpieces with great gameplay, compelling storyline and a free world unprecedented in the history of the series . Now this super product has expanded its "prestigious" to launch a unique side story on the mobile platform called Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire .

It is known that Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire will have the appearance of characters from the original but use a very similar tactical gameplay to Machine Zone's Game of War. Licensed copyrighted by Square Enix and developed by Epic Action LLC, Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire, despite the appearance of characters from version XV, but the gameplay of this game is completely different from the previous version. console version.

Like many other strategy games of the same genre, Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire will start from exploiting resources, building constructions for economy and defense, and recruiting talents. Build your own army for the kingdom.

The context of this mobile game will still bring players along with Prince Noctis and some other characters in the original Final Fantasy such as Gladio, Ignis, Prompto, Cindy,... But there will be no more bouncing hand battles. fire or crazy spells, but instead the player must become a true ruler.

In addition, Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire also owns a combat system, but it is almost only given because the game focuses mainly on exploiting the main tactical element. In particular, the Alliance between territories feature also appears in Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire, allowing players to form an alliance to develop together more powerful, enough to fight any enemy. .

Accordingly, the League in Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire not only creates an interesting interactive environment that connects players together, but also sets up a giant battlefield, where you will be side by side with your teammates. , show off your calculation skills and control your generals to fight with other alliances in the world.

After all, Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire is just an ordinary city-building game and doesn't have anything that can make you think of Final Fantasy other than the familiar name and characters, but it's still here. is a product worth checking out if you are a big fan of this series.